Barcelona tourism rental management: towards a new, more sustainable model

Small changes make for big ones over time, and at Lodging we believe that Barcelona tourism rental management can easily take up this philosophy and make changes of great value. Travelers want sustainable accommodation, in line with new and different ways of seeing the world, and tourism apartments must adapt to these new demands and priorities. Eco-social awareness has changed as well, and travelers want to explore everything about their destination. They value local culture and prefer accommodation that is eco- and social-friendly. Our team began taking these ideas on board a long time ago, and today we’ll show you some of the ways we’re found to act locally and think globally, without abandoning the high quality standards we offer our owners and guests.

Sustainability in every detail

When we buy welcome products for our guests, our preference is to use companies that, like The Impact Gift Co, work with local suppliers and have a proven social impact. Our amenities are local products made by foundations and non-profit organizations that employ people with intellectual diversity and/or are at risk of social exclusion. In addition, their transport, handling, packaging and printing all come from companies and organizations that work with vulnerable groups.

Quality furniture and kitchenware

To the phrase “things that are cheap are expensive,” we can add “and pollute a lot.” Constant use of our furniture and kitchenware by multiple people means extra wear and tear, so when our Barcelona tourism rental management team chooses the furnishings for our apartments, ​​we never opt for cheap items. Using something and then soon throwing it away translates into a greater consumption of resources, more energy expenditure during production and transport, and the generation of more waste. This applies not only to furniture, but also to other household items. So when we stock our complete set of kitchenware, we likewise avoid an indiscriminate use of plastics and perishable disposable goods.

Energy efficiency

Good energy management translates into savings that are not only eco-social but also economic. We work with our owners to decide if we need to do any renovations or install insulation in order to consume as little energy as possible and ensure that visitors do not need to use as much air conditioning.

Others of our energy efficiency initiatives include using ceiling fans, installing the air conditioning thermometer in shady areas, optimizing insulation, explaining to residents that the ideal temperature to set an air conditioner is 21 degrees in winter and 26 in summer, and always installing electrical appliances with maximum energy efficiency. We also install filters in the faucets that reduce the flow but not the pressure, and place mats at the accommodation’s entrance so that allergens from footwear remain there and don’t require extra cleaning.

At Lodging, we have long known that the public wants sustainable and eco-social-friendly accommodation because we pay attention to trends in the sector and the needs of our changing world. Small changes do lead to big transformations, and our Barcelona tourism rental management always wants to be part of the transformation process towards more sustainable ways of living.

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