Housekeeping and maintenance: two fundamental services to delegate in the management of a seasonal rental in Barcelona

Housekeeping and maintenance: two fundamental services to delegate in the management of a seasonal rental in Barcelona

Both for seasonal rental in Barcelona and tourism rental, one of the most complicated challenges for owners in providing optimal management is making sure that the property is restored to perfect condition between the departure of one guest and the arrival of the next. Each visitor is different from the preceding one and trouble can arise if the period between visits is short and you have to take care of cleaning and repairs in the apartment. We’re well aware of this at Lodging Management and that’s why we offer, among many other services, these two basic ones so that you don’t have to worry about a thing.

En Lodging Management acumulamos más de 15 años de experiencia en la gestión de apartamentos turísticos con un alto grado de satisfacción tanto por parte del huésped como por parte del inquilino. Como no todos los propietarios están interesados en hacerse con licencia turística, hace tiempo que hemos ampliado nuestro campo de acción hacia el alquiler temporal en Barcelona. Así, ya no solo nos centramos en el turista que viene a pasar unos días a la ciudad y necesita un espacio confortable para sentirse como en casa; también cubrimos las necesidades del visitante que por razones de trabajo o estudios realiza estadías de entre uno y once meses. Son los llamados ‘expats’, clientes muy interesantes porque suelen tener un alto poder adquisitivo y están dispuestos a pagar más por un alquiler flexible.

Lodging Management has more than 15 years of experience in the management of tourism apartments, and both our owners and our guests have reported high levels of satisfaction. Because not all property owners are interested in or can obtain a tourism license, we long ago expanded our coverage to include the management of seasonal rental in Barcelona. This means that we are focused not only on tourists that come to the city for a few days and need a comfortable place that feels like home; we can also address the needs of the visitor who, for work or studies, stays for between one and eleven months. These expats are an interesting market because they usually have high purchasing power and are prepared to pay more per month for flexible rental conditions.

This type of guest requires a high level of care and attention to detail throughout his or her stay in the monthly rental in Barcelona, and we maintain constant contact to serve any need that might arise, offering a range of services that rivals any good hotel. The quality of the personalised service we offer creates excellent word of mouth and inspires positive comments in forums and reviews, which in turn leads to higher occupation rates over time.

Among the most important of these services are periodic housekeeping and maintenance. For the former, a group of professionals are responsible for cleaning the property completely after each stay so that the next guest finds herself in a clean and orderly space. There are few things that reflect worse on a seasonal rental in Barcelona, or any part of the world, than a guest finding a dirty apartment upon their arrival. It puts the professionalism and care of the owner in serious doubt and provokes negative comments that will make it difficult to get the most out of your property. We know that these types of tasks are time-consuming, so Lodging will make sure that your apartment is in perfect order, even if your last guest left the day before a new arrival.

And that’s not all. Our maintenance service for monthly rental in Barcelona guarantees that everything in the house functions perfectly, with all the appliances in working order, walls freshly painted, and the plumbing problem-free. It would bother anyone to arrive at their new residence and discover that the shower emits only a trickle and the temperature of the water goes up and down. Our professionals pay attention to all these details and can spring into action at any moment, thanks to our 24-hour customer service. And, because Lodging Management maintains contracts with national providers, we can offer the best services at the best prices. This means that your guests will be happy (seeing that their needs are attended to) and so will you, by receiving these services through Lodging at a very competitive price.

If you’re the owner of a home and you choose to let a seasonal rental in Barcelona, opt for Lodging Management. We’ll make your apartment look like new without you worrying about a thing. And, you’ll be in the hands of professionals that have already demonstrated their efficacy and earning potential with numerous successful ventures. Contact us today!

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