Lodging 20 Years

Rental experts in Barcelona: restyling as a mark of standout professionalism

One of the goals of rental experts in Barcelona is to capture the attention of new customers by making their apartments stand out from the competition. In a market saturated with options, the difference is in the details, style and features of spaces available for temporary stays.

In our search for perfection, Lodging Management relies on Domú, a company specialized in home staging and interior design that has transformed all types of homes into true magazine-worthy jewels. These properties cast off a traditional look to become vacation rental apartments whose profits skyrocket thanks to their new vibe and design adapted to the expectations of modern guests. Domú’s work means everybody wins: our owners see greater returns, our customers enjoy first-class accommodations, and Lodging Management diversifies its catalog with unique apartments that reach different types of markets. Join us and find out how to turn an ordinary apartment into extraordinary accommodation.

What is Home Staging?

Before getting into our recommendations, it’s important to understand the concept of Home Staging. In essence, its objective is to revalue a property. And how is this achieved? By analyzing its potential and making decisions that improve its appearance. In some cases, it’s a question of refurbishment, and in others, it may require partial or complete renovation. It all depends on the target we want to reach with the property, and the property’s current state. If the apartment needs to be positioned it in the urban holiday market, our rental experts in Barcelona may consider enlarging rooms or redistributing common spaces. And if what we want is to make the property profitable through month-to-month rentals, we have to create a modern and functional design that allows for a long stay. In all cases, the aim is to make the best impression on the target market to increase the income from the property.

Why make changes to an apartment?

Domú’s professionals aver that any change, no matter how small, will ensure increased notice for the property in the market. In a competitive sector, you can’t rest on your laurels and assume a good location is enough. Today, customers staying in rental apartments in Barcelona are looking for modernity, but also warmth. The textures, furniture, finishes, lines and colors must all make them feel at home. Interior designers specialized in Home Staging determine what type of action they need to carry out in a property, how to decorate it, and how to enhance its strongest points so it stands out commercially.

Is a complete renovation always necessary?

No. It all depends on the state of the property and the target you want to reach. In the case of Lodging’s incredible Santa Monica project, a renovation that moved the kitchen a few meters made it possible to add another bedroom. Other examples, like our monthly rental on Sardenya, demonstrate that you can preserve the original essence of the building, maintaining the original floors and ceilings and focusing on the decoration. As Domú’s experts explain, “We don’t start from scratch with unlimited budgets. We deliver intelligent and sustainable solutions that allow us all to save money.”

Once the restyling of an apartment is completed, our rental experts in Barcelona take professional photographs in order to promote the property as effectively as possible. The end result is higher returns for Lodging Management‘s clients, who, without lifting a finger themselves, have become the owners of a home featuring quality design and a modern touch that gets more bookings and generates good reviews from happy guests.