Professional Rental Management: Peace of Mind and Confidence for Owners

In a time when technology is ubiquitous and it seems like everything is controlled with a click, professional rental management calls for, more than ever, close and humane interactions that bring the focus back to basic needs. As Xavier Marcet rightly says in his book Crecer haciendo crecer, “what is memorable are the people and companies that grow by helping others grow.” Fully identifying with this philosophy, at Lodging Management we have spent years infusing our brand with the values ​​that matter most to the people involved in our projects: owners, holidaymakers and seasonal renters, but also our employees and external collaborators. We have found it vital to listen to everyone’s concerns because together we are living a great dream that continues to grow.

By 2017, we already had tools for price analysis, we knew how to manage tourism apartments and we were successfully breaking into the management of full buildings. Technically and operationally, we had everything required to compete in the challenging market of Barcelona. But we felt something was still missing, and in our search for it, we met branding experts who helped us focus on what has always been our particular strength as a company: great human relations.

Our success with the owners of apartments and buildings is down to our knowing how to listen, understand their concerns and needs, and solve their problems. Lodging offers peace of mind to owners because they feel that leaving their apartments in our hands earns them much more than income. We care for their prized assets and add warmth, respect, and great customer service to their offer.

As experts in the professional management of tourism apartments, we can verify that personalized services and trust-based relationships are more sustainable in the long term and generate an invaluable sense of tranquility that is beneficial to all parties.

The fruit of our 2017 exercise in self-definition of our strategy and values was a manifesto that still applies to everything we do:

  • Inspire trust through our professionalism and specialization in property rental
  • Manage every last detail to the best of our ability
  • Only choose to manage the best properties in Barcelona
  • Prioritize digital and put tech tools at the service of our owners
  • Manage our properties like the businesses they are
  • Guarantee quality by contract

Because our brand and our people have always gone hand in hand, the great relationships we maintain with our owners translate into a comfortable, safe and delightful experience for guests, too, whether they seek vacation apartments or monthly apartments that make them feel at home.

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